
Sugar & Spice - Smutty Valentine's Day Pins

Created by HoloRaindrops

A collection of sweet and spicy enamel pins perfect for Valentine's Day!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All surveys sent!
1 day ago – Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 12:55:41 PM

Hey again, friends! Apologies for the multiple updates, but I wanted to let you know that the smoke test went smoothly so I've gone ahead and sent the rest of the surveys!

Pay Over Time Backers pre-survey

For those who have selected Pay Over Time, I have built a Google form for you to fill out regarding your rewards. This is just so I can start collecting information about your selections so I can include them in my item counts.

You will still fill out the official survey later after your final payment has gone through. You will fill out your address & shipping information when you fill out the official survey.

Pay Over Time pre-survey link: Pre-Survey Link

If you are not a Pay Over Time backer, DO NOT FILL THIS FORM OUT!! Please fill out the official BackerKit survey! Thank you! :)

Again, if you encounter any issues, please reach out to BackerKit support, leave a comment, or message me privately here: Contact Us | HoloRaindrops


Smoke tests are out!
1 day ago – Thu, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:14:06 AM

Hey again! I know you're hearing from me a lot, and I want to thank you for your understanding as I send out important updates in quick succession!

The survey was reviewed and approved, so I've sent out the smoke test round! This just means that a few backers from each pledge level will get the survey and fill it out first to catch any potential mistakes before the survey goes out to everyone else.

If everything goes smoothly, I'll send the rest of the surveys out either later today or sometime tomorrow.

This is a reminder that surveys are MANDATORY! I cannot send your rewards without your survey!

The survey is how you tell me which rewards you want and it's also where I will collect your shipping information. I cannot send your rewards without this information. If you fail to fill out your survey, I will consider your pledge a donation. I do not offer refunds.

If you encounter any issues with the survey, please leave a comment, reach out to BackerKit support, or contact me through this form: Contact Us | HoloRaindrops

Charging cards:
Your cards will NOT be charged immediately upon filling out the survey, so if you're worried about that, please don't be. You won't be charged again for shipping and/or additional add-ons until a later date that I will specify in another update. I'm not sure when this will be yet, but I'll give you all a heads up beforehand so you can prepare.

Thanks as always for your patience! I'll send out another update when the rest of the surveys get sent out. Talk to you then!

Payment Errors & Contact Info
2 days ago – Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 03:34:38 PM

Hi friends!

There are still a lot of folks whose payments failed and haven't been fixed yet. Please double check to make sure your payment for the campaign went through. BackerKit would have sent you an email with instructions on how to fix it.

Also a quick reminder that if you want to contact me privately about something, please do so by filling out this form: contact form

Quick survey update: 

The survey is done, I'm just having one small issue with it that BackerKit is working on helping me fix. Hoping to have the smoke test out by the end of the week. Thanks for your patience!

Thanks very much, and talk again soon!

Surveys delayed
8 days ago – Fri, Mar 07, 2025 at 06:22:26 AM

Hey friends!

In my last update I said that I’d be trying to send out the survey within a week after the end date of the campaign. However, with how busy I’ve been prepping for my next campaign Cryptid Crushes and prepping for my 2 cons this month, I wasn’t able to finish setting it up yet.

I’m sorry for the delay and I will work on getting it out as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience! 

Have a lovely weekend!


P.S. I’ll be selling at Anime Milwaukee this weekend in the artist alley, if you’re  attending I’d love for you to come say hi! My booth number is L24!

HUGE thank you + What's next!
14 days ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 12:44:04 PM

Hey friends!

Sugar & Spice is completed and I am SO BLOWN AWAY by how well it did. We broke my previous funding record which was held by my Virtutes Angelorum campaign. I'm really humbled by this outcome, as this project was one I quickly put together to try and help my family with some financial strain, and I definitely did not expect it to get this big.

So thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for supporting this campaign! 💖 It really means the world to me!

TL;DR: Surveys are coming soon, make sure your payments go through, new pins will be up for preorders on the survey.

So what's next?


The next step will be the survey! I'm currently in the process of getting it all set up and hope to send it out to you guys within the next week. Please keep an eye on your email so you don't miss your survey link. The survey is very important and mandatory - It's how I collect information about which rewards you want to receive and your shipping information. Without it, I cannot send your reward, so please make sure you fill it out in a timely manner!

Pay Over Time Surveys

As of right now, unfortunately folks who selected "Pay Over Time" as their payment method will not be able to fill out their survey until all of their payments have been paid in full. This is something I hope BackerKit will change in the future. For now, what I'm thinking is that I'll put together a Google form where Pay Over Time backers can tell me the rewards they want to pick for their pledge, so I can at least get those as part of my item counts without having to wait 4 months. More information about this will come later!

Payment errors

Cards will be charged within the next day or so, so please keep an eye on your emails to make sure your payment goes through. If your payment fails, you will receive an email from BackerKit with instructions on how to fix it.

Preorder items

I have a few more pins up my sleeve! However, I did not have enough time during the campaign to include them. So instead, I am  going to have them up for preorders in the survey add-on store!

Basically how preorders work through the add-on store is that enough people need to order the pin as an add-on for it to be "unlocked", sort of like a stretch goal. If I don't get enough orders, it won't unlock and anyone who ordered it won't be charged for it.

The pins I currently plan to have up for preorder are shown below!

So many people requested "werewolf smut" that I decided to go ahead and just draw it and have it up for preorder :D

You'll be able to add on any of these pins, along with the other campaign items, during your survey.

Preorder Store

The preorder store will be live soon, but if you already backed the campaign, DO NOT ORDER FROM THE PREORDER STORE! You'll end up with 2 separate orders if you do that. So please refrain - the preorder store is only for folks who didn't pledge during the campaign.

Thank you

Phew, that was one big wall of text! If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read everything. If you have any questions or concerns at this time, feel free to leave a comment or you can message me directly here: Message HoloRaindrops

That's all I have for now. Thank you so much for an amazing campaign and I'll talk to you again soon!
